Thursday, December 3, 2015

California Terror Attack

I'm disgusted, frustrated and angry that another terror attack has happened in our country and President Obama, the main stream media and those leaning to the left continue to do their best to suggest differently by calling these attacks work place violence, racially motivated or an act of a  crazed lone-wolf.

What is also alarming is that after each event, Obama and his minions call for better gun control.

No doubt Obama's on a mission and that is to disarm the American public. Consequently, every time any kind of violence occurs whether it be a terror attack, workplace violence or a drug lords battling at our southern borders, he can claim that if only we had better gun control, these acts of violence wouldn't happen.

Obama's true mission in regards to the above? To eventually try and create a federalized police force. For anyone interested,  I wrote about this in a blog about the Baltimore Riots back in May.

The President's other m.o. is to NOT  go to war at almost any cost. Won't matter how things escalate, he won't budge. He's going to ride things out no matter what and let the next president deal directly with all the craziness. If I'm wrong, I'll be very surprised.

So the world could fall apart, ISIS and other terror groups can gain more and more control and Obama will continue to do nothing except to deflect, obfuscate  or blame anything or anyone else for these acts of violence other than the terrorists.

As I've said before... Obama fiddles while America burns ...


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