Sunday, December 6, 2015

OBama Makes Another Executive Order ... This is frightening.

Here's a brief article noting that President Obama has signed ANOTHER executive order. This one's about giving him the power of Martial Law. Of course he obfuscates the true intent with the title 'National Defense Resources Preparedness' order.  Read on. As I said in the headline, this is frightening stuff.

Note to self. Check to see how many executive actions Obama has signed vs other presidents. Seems he's creating new orders, giving the executive branch more and more power, on an almost monthly basis, maybe even more often.

One last thought. Wonder if there's a way for him to figure out how to give himself a third term? If there's the will, there might be a way. Especially with Obama still in power and a congress who rarely fights him, other than with pointless rhetoric vs real action...


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