Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lincoln County Republicans Meeting

Last night the Boothbay GOP Chair and I attended the Lincoln County Republican meeting in Nobleboro. Dean Scontras, David Trahan, John McKane and many other public figures and candidates spoke. All were informative and inspiring, and encouraged us to remain involved. They are convinced that this is the year the GOP can win more seats in Maine and make a difference in how our state is run in the future. I couldn't agree more. I'll do my best to help in whatever small way I can and I hope others will too...

Matt Jacboson's Convention Speech

Here is a link to Matt Jacobson's speech at the GOP convention. He's my first choice for governor of Maine ...


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The UK, Credit Default Swaps & Greece

Lots going on. In fact so much its hard to keep up with the latest plus have the time to digest it all. The most exciting is Gordon Brown (Labor party) stepping down as UK Prime Minister and David Cameron(Conservative party) stepping in. What great news! Now we have Conservatives in 3 European countries ie UK, Germany and France. Could this be a trend? I hope so. Lets keep our fingers crossed that come November the U.S. joins the trend...

Now onto Credit Default Swaps, Greece and the economy. I learned something very disturbing today. First, I'll define what CDS' are. They are bets made by investors (hedgefunds mostly) for or against loans and/or credit defaults by various companies. These bets are a great indicator on the financial stability of the credit market. Who will default? Who is stable?

So what did I learn that is so disturbing? Many of these CDS' are underwritten by AIG, the big insurance concern. AIG was bailed out by the US government. The US government is not in the best financial shape and on its way down in a big way. So what happens when its time to make pay outs for the CDS' and who makes the payouts? Why, the U.S. government and the taxpayer since we bailed out AIG last year. The U.S. is also buying Euro dollars. What the hell is going on? Why are we putting ourselves at such risk? Who ends up making money from all of this? Companies like Goldman Sachs and other Wall St. concerns at a cost to the American taxpayer...

I am a capitalist and believe in free enterprise and as little regulation as possible. But something is not right when the US government ie us, the American taxpayer, are footing the bill for risky behavior by private industry. It all boils down to the Feds being in bed with Wall St. I first realized this awhile back when reading "Street Fighters" about the downfall of Lehman Bros and Bear Stearns. Now its even more evident and blatant and no one seems to be called to the carpet for it.
Its okay for private industry to blow themselves up. But its NOT alright for the American taxpayer to foot the bill.

Add Greece, India, Spain, Portugal to the CDS mess which is world wide and things are even worse as the USA is also helping to foot the bill for their debt. But with what? Where will the money come from? We're already in a mess. How do we get out of it? Does anyone have an answer?

GOP Convention

Attended the Maine GOP Convention this weekend and got a good feel for all the gubernatorial candidates running for office. After all is said and done I like Matt Jacobson the best. He's smart, savvy, thinks outside of the box, personable (but then again most pols are), very enthusiastic and I think has what it takes to make an innovative governor who'll know how to bring businesses to Maine, work with the opposition and turn things around.

Does he have a chance of winning? Not sure. He doesn't have the name recognition, connections or big money behind him that Steve Abbott has. But then again, he's making inroads and reaching more and more people. He posts on FaceBook alot, has a very informative website and is not afraid of hard work. Momentum may be with him. Besides, there's still roughly a month to go before the primary. He might just pull it off...