The Swamp Personified ... DEA & The Pharmaceutical Industry
Here's a link to an excellent article by the Washington Post and 60 Minutes in regards to a bill passed in 2016 which ended up loosening the parameters of accountability involving the DEA and the Drug Industry and thus helping to create the current Opioid crisis.
How did this happen?
By Congress, along with President Obama, signing a piece of legislation that sounded good on the surface, but that basically stripped the power of the DEA's ability to enforce compliance and act as a Watch Dog against Big Pharma and related drug industry companies.
In other words, it became much easier for the pharmaceutical industry to distribute opioids via pharmacies, online companies and drug brokers without having to really answer to anyone about how they might be fostering a growing addiction problem.
Not only did the above disturb me deeply, but I also came to the growing realization that in showing how the bill was able to come to fruition, the article also provided a perfect example of how corruption gradually sinks into the system via a slow incestuous relationship between government officials and the private industry lobbyists in Washington D.C. and elsewhere and thus creates The Swamp.
How did this happen?
By Congress, along with President Obama, signing a piece of legislation that sounded good on the surface, but that basically stripped the power of the DEA's ability to enforce compliance and act as a Watch Dog against Big Pharma and related drug industry companies.
In other words, it became much easier for the pharmaceutical industry to distribute opioids via pharmacies, online companies and drug brokers without having to really answer to anyone about how they might be fostering a growing addiction problem.
Not only did the above disturb me deeply, but I also came to the growing realization that in showing how the bill was able to come to fruition, the article also provided a perfect example of how corruption gradually sinks into the system via a slow incestuous relationship between government officials and the private industry lobbyists in Washington D.C. and elsewhere and thus creates The Swamp.
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