Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hannity Interview With DT Jr. Re: Russia Issue

For anyone worrying that Donald Trump Jr. and the Trump administration are in trouble due to DJ, Jr.'s 20 minute meeting with a Russian lawyer, no need to worry. DT Jr. says nothing happened. It was a courtesy meeting and that was it. No follow up. No action taken because of it one way or the other. Amazing how the opposition, MSM, liberal websites can blow something so out of proportion in contrast to reality.

For your own take on things, here's a link to a video of the entire interview by Sean Hannity of Fox News with Donald Trump Jr. Lasts about 20 minutes.


Blogger Misadventure In Blogging said...

Hi! I listened to Hannity the day after his interview. The conservative talk-show hosts are all confident that DT and DT Jr. have no worries, which is somewhat consoling. However, I don't think I've seen the media go after a president (and his family) like this since Richard Nixon. In my opinion, Nixon's "crimes" pale compared to Hillary's, but he still lost the battle. Although the press in all it's forms have lost a lot of credibility, they are still focused on destroying all things Trump. I'm impressed so far with Sr and Jr, but I still wonder if Donald Trump is tough enough to weather the storm that's coming. Just my thoughts.

July 14, 2017 at 9:21 AM  

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