Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thoughts On The Election ...

The election is over. The people have spoken.  Mr. Trump is our new president elect. Surprise, shock and disbelief were the initial reactions by those who supported, campaigned and voted for Hillary. How could this happen? Didn't Mrs. Clinton have it all sewed up? How could the polls be so wrong?. Many just DIDN'T get it.

But many did and do and are now being validated.

So how and why did Mr. Trump win the most powerful office in the world?

He listened and tapped into an American electorate who was fed up, sick and tired and disgusted with politics as usual, corruption, an economy gone bad and what seemed to be a constant obsession with political correctness, socialistic policies and globalism that did not promote patriotism, prosperity and love of country.

We the people had enough of Barack Obama, the Clintons, the Establishment which included both Democrats and Republicans who were in control of D.C., the media and academia. These entities had infiltrated their ideology into our everyday lives to the point where the average American felt they had no power or say in what's supposed to be a free and independent republic.

And so we elected Mr. Trump who listened, gave voice to our concerns and seemed to understand how we felt and where we wanted to go.

Today, the president elect will sit down with Mr. Obama to begin the process of transitioning into the White House. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall during this time? The thought of the current POTUS and POTUS elect Trump sitting down, sharing information and possibly a cup of coffee or lunch together is truly amazing...

But I'm getting distracted and need to stay on topic.

As a reaction to this future change of power, protests around the country, of which I'm sure are NOT spontaneous but organized by those who can't stand the thought of Mr. Trump taking over and upsetting their apple cart, are taking place. Since these powers that be lost the election and thus their grip on America in general, they had to figure out a way to keep the pot boiling and thus remain relevant with hopes of disrupting and sabotaging the incoming president's agenda. 

These groups will not go quietly into the night. They will fight tooth and nail to try and prevent Trump's success with hopes that they will then be able to return to power in 2020.

How will they do this?

First by creating a pro Democrat narrative and public opinion (which has already started) via the MSM via tv, internet, blogs, news agencies,  social media, etc. This is why I've included a link to the NYT's article below which demonstrates and creates the playbook as to how this will happen ... if you read between the lines. 

Then there's the D.C. establishment, the lobbyists, Wall St., Hollywood and the donor class who want to remain in power. They will use whatever influence they have to try and maintain the status quo, no matter how corrupt and unscrupulous.

Schools and colleges will continue to indoctrinate and instill our children with socialistic ideals ie that the rich are evil, that we must live in fear of possibly insulting certain minority groups, that the environment is being degraded with the use of oil, coal and other fossil fuels. That in order to be in the right social and political circles and cliques, you can't be a deplorable, a blue collar worker or one who doesn't agree with the elite. Owning a gun, being pro-life and believing in freedom of speech are also no no's.

And last, they'll continue with how America should go along to get along with foreign countries and not  hold them accountable for their own prosperity, peace and/or economic success.

I could go on and on about the many ways those in the process of losing their power will try to hang on to it  and thus continue with their dream of a new world order ie globalism, where THEY will be the ones to control how the masses think, behave and vote. All under the guise of sounding noble, wise and giving. But hopefully I've made my case. If not, it's all in the article below and again, IF you can read between the lines.


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