Friday, July 8, 2016

Fight To Keep Internet Control In The U.S.

"The Obama administration’s decision to give up U.S. control of regulating the internet is likely illegal, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said."

“The Obama administration does not have the authorization from Congress,” Cruz said Thursday, speaking at a Heritage Foundation event on internet freedom. “And yet they are endeavoring to give away this valuable, critical property. To give it away with no authorization at all. That ought to trouble all of us.”

The Texas Republican added:
"We built the internet and America maintains it as free for all. We don’t use it in an imperialist manner to impose our views on others. We maintain it as an oasis of freedom."
The above is an excerpt from an article by the Daily Signal, a branch of the Heritage Foundation. This is really important stuff and no one seems to be covering it in the news...

Read on for more details.


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