Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Obama Gun Grab

In the words of Rahm Emmanuel, "Never let a crisis go to waste". That's exactly what President Obama plans to do according to an article written by the Washington Times in response to all the recent violent shootings. By the way, this quote was originally coined by Winston Churchill. If he could only see who has taken it on and for what purposes, I'm sure he'd be rolling in his grave.

Anyway, here are a couple of paragraphs taken from the article to help clarify how Obama plans on going about taking away guns;

"The Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own disability payments — a move the NRA is calling the “largest gun grab in American history.”

"The push is intended to integrate data for the first time from the Social Security Administration into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), OutdoorHub reported. Beneficiaries who have been declared incompetent to manage pension or disability payments and assigned a fiduciary could then potentially lose their right to bear arms."

First,  this is in direct conflict with our Constitution and the 2nd amendment where we, as American citizens, have the right to bear arms. Second, it opens the door for more targeting of those who may be in opposition to governmental goals, not to mention an invasion of our privacy.

Basically this will lead to government hacks, who would be obligated to the powers that be ie their bosses (and for whatever nefarious purposes or motives) to make powerful decisions about our competency as well as our freedom to bear arms.

This is crazy and no doubt another power grab by the Obama Administration leading to more government control over our society and us as individuals. I just hope there are some elected officials still out there who will take steps to prevent this from happening. I won't hold my breath.


Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

P.S. Made some corrections to the original post, so be sure to read the latest version.

July 28, 2015 at 5:09 AM  

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