Monday, November 21, 2016

Safety Pins

Had a very enjoyable brunch yesterday in Portland. There were about a dozen of us. The food and service was great and so was the majority of the company.

While chatting with my seat neighbors next to and across from me (this is an ever changing group w/different people attending monthly), there was one gal who I immediately took a dislike to despite not knowing her. This rarely happens, so I was surprised, but figured once I chatted with and got to know her a bit, that would change.

So this gal and I started to converse in a polite and cordial way as most people do when first meeting someone new.  But even though our discussion was innocuous, there was still just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way of which I couldn't put my finger on.

In between chatting and enjoying my egg brisket, loaded w/bacon and delicious home fries (which btw was awesome), it dawned on me that this gal had to be a liberal. Somehow I just knew this.

What made me come to this conclusion?

There was a quiet arrogance about her. A haughtiness. A look down her nose way about her. A 'I'm superior to all those around me' type of attitude that many Libs possess without even realizing it.

As conversation started to quiet,  a fellow bruncher (think I made up a new word) started talking politics, a subject of which I NEVER bring up at these outings.

The gal I mentioned above in response, started to say how scary things are now. That she's afraid for our country and on and on.

That's when I noticed the large safety pin on her jacket lapel. Which said it all.

Later on, when I purposely changed the topic and we got to talking about careers, etc. I learned she was a professor at a nearby college.

For those who don't know what wearing a safety pin symbolizes, here's a brief explanation by the NYT's:

"After the election of Donald J. Trump, fears are growing that segments of his base may physically or emotionally abuse minorities, immigrants, women and members of the L.G.B.T. community. As a show of support, groups of people across America are attaching safety pins to their lapels, shirts and dresses to signify that they are linked, willing to stand up for the vulnerable."

Another interpretation which sounds a lot less politically correct than what is written above,  is that the safety pin lets others know that they did not vote for Donald Trump and don't and/or will never support him. It also lets many know that they are part of the elitists'. That superior group of people who feel they should be in charge and not this uncouth, businessman.

How did the idea of wearing a safety pin get started? Here's an excerpt from the same NYT's article that explains things:

"In wearing the safety pin, participants are taking a page from protesters of the Brexit referendum results. After British citizens voted to leave the European Union in June, the nation experienced a 57 percent rise in reported xenophobic incidents. An American woman living in Britain tweeted a suggestion that people wear safety pins to show support to those experiencing abuse. Two days later, #safetypin was trending on Twitter."

So though the Left lost the BREXIT vote in the UK and the US presidential race to Trump, they have found a way to let others know where they stand without having to say a word.

Bottom line.

We are now living in one heck of a divided country and one where those on the Left will NEVER accept or support President Elect Trump. He could walk on water, cure the sick and dying, create jobs and wealth for all, fix the health care system, stop terrorism in our country and on and on and they would still turn up their noses when his name comes up or he appears before the public.

Yet, those of us on the Right and who voted for Trump have rarely, if ever behaved in the manner the way the Left has. We didn't create violent protests when Obama won two elections. We didn't push our ideologue on others. We didn't turn our noses up to those who believed differently than us politically. We stood by, politely accepting who was voted into office. We figured they won and fair and square and moved on.  We worked. We took care of our families. We donated to charity. We helped others.

What does this say about our society? How did this divisiveness get started? That's the million dollar question. If you think you have the answer, please comment.  Would love to hear from you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One "friend" on Facebook is using a safety pin as her photo - I, too, was baffled, so looked it up. How juvenile! You're safe with me?? Would be better if these people really thought about why so many nice & reasonable people voted for Trump. The NY Times had a great analysis concluding it was the Dem's divisive identity politics that not only left out white working class & evangelicals - but told them they were racist bigots who had white privilege. Tell that to the factory worker who lost his job when the plant moved to Mexico!

November 21, 2016 at 7:57 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Yep, the safety pin symbolism has really caught on. It's the hottest new trend IF you lean to the Left. Agree about the Dems losing the race w/their identity politics. But no doubt they'll continue to do so it's part of their divide and conquer strategy. To let it go might destroy them all together...

November 22, 2016 at 6:25 AM  

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