Friday, October 23, 2015

Hilary On Trial ....

Watched a good portion of the Benghazi hearing yesterday where basically Hilary Clinton, former Secretary of State and current Presidential Candidate was put on trial for the deaths of 4 U.S. officials in Libya due to an attack by terrorists on 9/11/12 which could have been avoided.

She was also on trial for lying to the American public about that attack by saying it was due to a video, when in private she told her daughter, Egyptian Prime Minister and others that it was an Al Qaeda type terrorist attack.

Why did she tell her daughter and others one thing and the American public something different?

Apparently, some think it was upon direction from Ben Rhodes a White House staffer who gave Hilary talking points to say the attack was due to a video and nothing more. Why would the White House staffer want to deceive the American public? Why not tell them the truth as Hilary originally saw things?

Could it be that President Obama was running for re-election, had bragged about how he's kept America safe from terrorists and was afraid it might turn the tide against him come election day?

 Who the heck knows. It's the only reason I can come up with for deliberately deceiving the American people.

Though there were several Select Committee Members who grilled Secretary Clinton about all aspects of the issue, Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio best nailed the essence of what happened. Take a listen. Lasts about 15 to 20 minutes.

Have yet to watch, listen to and read about the take on how the media think Hilary fared. But my bet is that main stream outlets ie ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, CNN and others will stay she did well. Came out looking presidential, etc. And no doubt the general public will believe it. Especially if they haven't really engaged on the topic.

In fact, a friend of mine who is a Democrat and watched a good portion of the hearing mentioned to me late yesterday afternoon, while the hearing was still going on,  that she thought Hilary was doing  extremely well. That the Republicans will be embarrassed about how they handled things. Since I hadn't watched much of the hearings at that point but was keeping up with it online when time allowed, I just said 'You think so?' and changed the subject. Had no intention of getting into an argument when I hadn't really sunk my teeth into the hearings at that point.

But now that I've watched almost the entire hearing (repeated on various cable news channels), read transcripts and had time to digest things, my bet is that anyone who has been following the Benghazi issue and paid attention to yesterday's hearing will come away thoroughly disgusted and frustrated.

Why? Cause it's plain to see that she is guilty as charged, but most likely will walk away from it all and  go on to be the Democrat nominee for president.

Here is another link from Breitbart which clearly outlines what happened at yesterday's trial:

My heart goes out to the families of the 4 American's who were killed.


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