Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Carly !

Attended former Senator Scott Brown's No B.S. Backyard BBQ Sunday at his home in Rye, NH where presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina was the guest speaker.

Hot dogs, no rolls, soft drinks, beer and chips were served. No doubt the idea was to keep things simple.

Fortunately it was a beautiful autumn day, so the yard and down along the street were jam packed with people and photographers. The turnout was great. Over 400 according to a Scott Brown tweet.

Arrived a little late so didn't hear her opening remarks, but what I did hear was articulate and to the point. Fiorina discussed ObamaCare, the border, the Middle East, etc. The usual topics. Then she took questions from the audience.

Afterward, Fiorina joined the crowd, shook hands, posed for pictures and chatted.

Overall, she was very impressive in person. Cool, calm, collected yet warm and friendly. And as I said previously, very articulate and to the point when discussing her positions on various topics.

If I had gotten the opportunity to chat with her, I would have suggested that a Fiorina/Rubio ticket would be awesome. But I never got the chance. However, a friend did and Carly's response was a smile. Hmmmmm....


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