Thursday, September 17, 2015

CNN's GOP Debate

Before I turn on the tv, listen to talk radio or read the headlines about last night's GOP presidential debate on CNN, I want to put my own two cents in so as not to be influenced by other opinions.

First, I want to say that I thought the debate was riveting right from the start. CNN did a great job, though I'm sure Fox and other right leaning venues will say differently. I liked the format. I liked how controversial issues were brought up, especially where there were clashes between particular candidates. I also liked how they allowed the candidates to go back and forth with each other. Last,  I feel they gave most candidates a fair shot at making their points and responding to others.

On to how the candidates performed last night.

No doubt Carly Fiorina did extremely well. She was precise and to the point about whatever subject she discussed, had a lot of passion, responded to various accusations about her performance at HP or not having a likeable face with calm, control and a laser like sharpness. Carly's number's should rise in response to this debate. I would be extremely surprised if they didn't.

I also liked Marco Rubio.  Especially when he discussed the Middle East.  His passion and genuineness in regards to this topic were powerful. He would make a great Secretary of Defense if he doesn't end up as the nominee or vp pick.

One who surprised me and really hasn't even been on my radar was Chris Christie. I thought he did very well and could move up in the polls as a result. He was calm, composed and overall handled himself well.

As for The Donald.

I don't think he performed well at all. No way did he sound as informed or prepared on the issues like the others. You can't say and I'm paraphrasing 'I'll deal with thus and so once I get into office' and not offer solutions that will help the voters make an informed decision when it comes time to hit the ballot box. That kind of answer is a cop out.

Overall his was a lackluster performance and I don't think it will enhance his numbers. However, with that being said, I would bet his core supporters will stick with him and his numbers won't change much.

One candidate who disappointed was Ted Cruz. As usual he was articulate and intelligent but I felt he just didn't connect with the audience or even with any of the other candidates. Can't put my finger on it but I would be surprised if any of the talking heads said he hit one out of the ballpark.

As for the happy hour debate. I thought Bobby Jindal stood out. The rest were just so-so. Though it was interesting that they all hit  Trump hard. Not sure if that was because they thought it would get them attention, thus recognition and a bump in the polls or because they truly see him as the guy they DO NOT want to see in the Oval Office should they not make the cut.

Overall I enjoyed the debates and felt I got more of a read on the candidates. Of course it's still early and there are many more debates on the horizon.  But I suspect one or two candidates may drop out o as a result of their numbers after this debate. Only time will tell.


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